Child sexual exploitation Inquiry misses opportunity to adequately tackle criminal justice failures

“Today’s report overall represents a huge missed opportunity. There is a lack of hard-hitting recommendations which will result in real change. This crime will continue as long as perpetrators think they can get away with it which – in the current system – they do, due to the appallingly low number of effective criminal investigations or prosecutions.”

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We are looking for a feminist lawyer, with a track record in actions against the police, to join our enquiries team assisting survivors and frontline women’s services with legal advice and support.

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PR:Legal action threatened by Centre for Women’s Justice if the Home Secretary fails to take urgent steps to tackle police perpetrated abuse

CWJ, with the support of 21 national women’s organisations and others, have today taken the first formal step in bringing judicial review proceedings against the Home Secretary in respect of her failure to take adequate and timely steps to set up a statutory inquiry into the wider issues arising following the conviction of Metropolitan Police officer, Wayne Couzens.

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