Police Perpetrated Domestic Abuse

On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2020, the Centre for Women’s Justice, working with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, submitted a super-complaint about police perpetrated domestic abuse (PPDA). At the time, little attention had been paid to this issue in the UK. Since then, and in the wake of several very high-profile cases, there has been increasing public concern about PPDA, violence against women and girls (VAWG) and misogyny within the police more generally.

The purpose of our latest report is to look at the plethora of public statements and commitments, to scrutinise whether they are resulting in any real change, and to consider what still needs to change. We draw on the experiences of the 200+ women who have contacted us since the original super-complaint was published, to share their accounts of domestic abuse at the hands of police officers and police staff. We identify key themes that continue to resurface in PPDA cases and the steps that need to be taken to address them.

The Report


Executive Summary



Recording from the report launch


This report was made possible by the generous funding of the Human Rights Fund.