Disappearing Women

On international Women's Day, Jess Phillips MP read the names of 118 women killed by men that year. The only name I'd heard of was Sarah Everard. As part of ...

“On international Women's Day, Jess Phillips MP, read the names of 118 women killed by men that year. The only name I’d heard of was Sarah Everard. As part of a drive towards remembering, honouring and making all of these women visible, I have committed to painting each and every one of them over the course of the next few months.

Where there is no image available, I'm painting flowers.” 

Henny Beaumont, Artist & Author

How many of the 118 women have you heard of? 

A woman is killed by a man every three days in the UK. The sad truth is that the deaths of many of these women do not even get reported in the press and most are overlooked by the mainstream media. With your help these women can be remembered, honoured and made visible.  

Artist, Henny Beaumont is working in partnership with Centre for Women’s Justice and The Femicide Census to create a memorial to honour each of the 118 women killed between 11th March 2020 and 11th March 2021. The names of these women are provided, with thanks, by the Counting Dead Women project and includes deaths where a man has been charged, or identified as the prime suspect.

Inspired by those who have been tirelessly working to raise awareness of the many women who lose their lives to male violence, Henny has begun to create powerful watercolour animated paintings of each woman. She has filmed the art being created in reverse so the viewer can see the woman concerned disappear before her name appears in her honour.

Fundraising Target:

Henny is raising money to complete the project she started and highlight the work of Centre for Women’s Justice and The Femicide Census.  

We need your help to raise money which will fund this memorial campaign to assist Henny to:

  • Paint each of the women killed by men last year

  • Provide a signed portrait of each woman to her family member or friend

  • Create 118 short animated images to honour each woman

  • Exhibit a digital installation to enable the women to be seen and honoured in public spaces

She has set an initial target of £15,000.  

If more money is raised than is needed for the project, any excess with be donated to be split between the two charities for work they undertake in relation to highlighting awareness and challenging the epidemic of femicide.

All the paintings and videos produced so far can be seen on Henny’s website

More about the project can read here in the HuffPost

Henny was also featured on Sky news here

On international Women's Day, Jess Phillips MP, read the names of 118 women killed by men that year. The only name I'd heard of was Sarah Everard. As part of...