With aims to (1) strengthen an international network with anti-prostitution/sex trafficking organizations and (2) share activities of anti-prostitution/sex trafficking organizations over the world, Women's Human Rights Institute of Korea (WHRIK) asked Harriet Wistrich, the solicitor from Birnberg Peirce and also founding director of the Centre for Women's Justice, to write a paper for Korean and International readers and Harriet Wistrich kindly accepted our request. In this paper, Harriet Wistrich shared
- Legal context of prostitution in the UK
- The impact of prostitution specific offences on women
- The research findings from the NIA report ' I am no criminal'
- Arguments that presented to the High Court with regard to the legal challenge on criminal records being revealed to potential employers
- Unbalanced focus of the Street Offences Act
- Solidarity with victims of prostitution and prostitution abolitionists such as Julie Bindel
- Future plans