Zohra is a tireless campaigner for women’s rights.
In her role as Women’s Rights Advisor for ActionAid, she delivered strong and impactful advocacy and campaigns, supported by policy and publications that really champion the voices and opinions of women affected by violence. She authored Action Aid’s report for the London Family Planning Summit “Sex, Choice and Control: the reality of family planning for women and girls today” which was used to lobby the organisers of the Summit to call on governments attending to commit to reducing violence as a key barrier to women realising their right to choose when and whether to have children.

In 2006 Sheila tragically lost her daughter (Carly) to domestic violence when she was killed by her boyfriend. She worked tirelessly to raise awareness of domestic violence, and to raise funds for counselling for victims. Sheila campaigned in her local community in Wigan to make sure that everyone is aware of the risks associated with male domestic violence against women. She used her own experience to gain coverage in the local press, radio and national magazines.
As an “ordinary” member of the community, Sheila has used different methods to those used by the wider domestic abuse sector, and in this way has reached people who are often not reached by the work of other organisations and individuals. This has included writing her personal story for magazines and the annual Carly Memorial Concert.

DeafHope is a unique initiative run by national charity SignHealth to raise awareness about the high levels of domestic violence and sexual abuse experienced by Deaf women who use British Sign Language to communicate – and are therefore unable to use most mainstream services or even be aware they exist.
SignHealth worked with Women’s Aid to develop the first BSL DV information materials for Deaf women.
DeafHope has proved very successful in uncovering often serious and complex abuse cases which have been previously unrecognised, undisclosed or unreported. The Young DeafHope work in schools has resulted in action being taken to address cases of Child Protection. DeafHope has successfully helped women remove themselves and their children from potentially life-threatening situations, and address immediate practical issues such as housing/benefits/criminal prosecutions and are working with them to begin a process of recovery.
Jill Page
Julie Rimington
Natalie Collins
Nazmin Akhtar
Nimco Ali
Rebecca Mott
Shereen Lincoln
Daughters of Eve
Derby Women’s Centre
Nottinghamshire Domestic Violence Forum (NDVF)
Protection Against Stalking
Rights of Women
Standing Together Against Domestic Violence