Since 1996, when she was 19, Finn Mackay has actively campaigned and worked against violence against women and girls, in her own time, as a student and as part of her paid work. She successfully revived the annual national Reclaim The Night marches and rallies in London, building participation from 30 women to over 2000 today.

As a youth worker, she supported and advised abused young women, and created re-housing policy for them. Her innovative work for Islington Education, writing schools’ and teacher training materials against domestic violence, won her a GLA award. A co-founder of the Feminist Coalition against Prostitution, she has gained national media coverage and considerable support on this issue.

Finn has voluntarily spoken, campaigned and contributed to national policy on all these issues.

Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group Wales (WSSAG Wales) is a voluntary organisation providing support and advocacy for women seeking sanctuary and refugees in South Wales. Run by women seeking sanctuary themselves, they aim to highlight the unique realities faced by women seeking sanctuary and through both lobbying and research bring about positive changes in the asylum and refugee system and to empower women seeking sanctuary to rebuild their lives.

Stígamót, an organisation based in Reykjavik, Iceland that campaigns against sexual violence was awarded the special award for innovative feminist campaigning. In 2009 it successfully campaigned to criminalise the purchasing of women in prostitution, and in 2010 it brought about a ban on strip clubs. The ban on commercial sexual activity was not only supported by feminists but also much of the population.


  • ‘Catherine’

  • Cath Elliott

  • Clare Sambrook

  • Debra Jarrett

  • Hannah Austin

  • Laurie Matthew

  • Rebecca Mott

  • Ashiana Network

  • Rape Crisis

  • The Bridge Project, Lliw Valley Women’s Aid

  • Women Moving Forward