Nazand Bezikhani, a political refugee form Iraqi Kurdistan, was a driving force behind Kurdish Women Against Honour Killings. Because of her work, it was recently declared, “Kurdish men are more afraid of Nazand Bezikhani than of Saddam Hussein.”

Kalayaan is a voluntary organization that ran a 10-year campaign against domestic slavery of migrant workers and the immigration laws which exploit them.

Helen established the principle of cumulative provocation in law as a defence to murder. Until Emma Humphrey’s appeal only immediate threats of violence were being considered; Emma’s appeal overturned this law and has helped many women since. Helen has also been instrumental in promoting change in the training of prosecutors for rape cases by her public speaking against unfair practices which victimise the complainant. Her loss in July 2002 wass deeply felt by all of us.


  • Annette Hewis

  • Bobbie McNeirney

  • Carolyne Noble

  • Cecilia Whitehorn

  • Donna Bradley

  • Irene Ivison

  • Julie Riding

  • Mairead Tagg

  • Pragna Patel

  • Sara Swann