“Sana”, a Pakistani woman who was brought to England following an arranged marriage aged 17 and subsequently abandoned following domestic violence, has bravely spoken out about her experience of being sexually assaulted on three occasions by a member of health care staff at Yarl’s Wood when she was detained there. In pushing for the authorities to be held to account, Sana has helped expose the multi-layered culture of disbelief that has allowed such abuse to thrive. She has inspired and supported many other women asylum seekers to stand up and speak out and has given hope to many who are struggling but still fighting the injustices of the immigration system.

“Annie”, a single mother who suffers mental ill health, spent four years fighting for to get her MP and local councillor, Mike Hancock, held to account, after he abused his position of power to commence a wholly inappropriate relationship with her. She struggled to get justice, first through the police and criminal justice system, then through parliament, the Liberal Democrat party and Portsmouth City council. She met with numerous outrageous hurdles from vested interests until finally achieving justice through a civil claim which included an unprecedented public apology from him. She also challenged the Liberal Democrat party and prompted further examination in the media of the Lib Dems appalling approach to sexual abuse allegations.

Ending Victimisation and Blame created an anonymous platform for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse to share their stories, providing a safe, supportive, anonymous and non-judgemental space for those who have experienced Domestic & Sexual Violence and Abuse to share their experiences. They offer training and consultancy for those working with people who have experienced Domestic & Sexual Violence and Abuse. Their campaigns have focused on challenging victim blaming within the media and the government, specifically on three areas: challenging individual journalists, challenging media organisations and challenging politicians.

Davina was the first local authority Domestic Violence Co-ordinator in the UK. From 2000-08, she had responsibility for developing and implementing the London Domestic Violence Strategy for the Mayor of London. She worked in the field of violence against women for over two decades in a variety of capacities encompassing volunteer, front-line work, policy and strategy roles. She has published innumerable articles and two book chapters and formerly acted as the Dept. of Health policy lead on domestic violence as well as being an Associate Tutor at the national police college. She is also a Lay Inspector for HMCPSI, acted as the Specialist Adviser to the Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into domestic violence (2007/08) and Chaired the Accreditation Panel for Respect. In 2009 she assisted the Home Office in the writing of the national violence against women strategy.


Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment.

SPACE is an international organisation committed both to raising the public’s consciousness of the harm of prostitution and to lobbying governments to do something about it. SPACE includes members from France, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Canada, the US and the UK, formed to give voice to women who have survived the abusive reality of prostitution. They press for political recognition of prostitution as sexually abusive exploitation, and, as a response, for criminalisation of the demand for paid sex. They advocate for the implementation of the Nordic Model, which decriminalises prostituted persons, criminalises those who buy them, and provides viable exit strategies including education and training.

KWAN is an autonomous women’s group based in Kabala in the Northern Region of Sierra Leone. This area was the scene of some of the worst violence during the civil war, with much of the population either involved in the fighting or directly victimised. Many of the men living there now are ex-combatants and domestic violence, alongside discriminatory laws and practices, is particularly rife.

KWAN delivers basic paralegal and rights advice to rural women and girls and uses the information from these community activists to advocate with local, national and international justice service-providers and legislators for a more effective response to violence against women and girls.

KWAN campaigns for women’s participation in local governance and intends to support victims (widows, orphans) affected by the deadly Ebola virus in the district.



  • Anna Ditta

  • Kate Smurthwaite

  • Onjali Rauf