
Below are some of the powerpoint presentations and/or notes of speeches given at our events

 Jane Monkton-Smith’s presentation on Intimate Partner Homicide Threat Escalation - The Homicide Timeline.

Fiona Mackenzie’s presentation on the “We Can’t Consent To This” campaign - a response to the increasing number of deaths of women where the accused have claimed “rough sex gone wrong”.

Tracey Earnshaw's talk: On the pros and cons of Domestic Abuse Specialist Courts and how to ensure victims of DV get help and justice through the criminal justice system

Ugo Hayter's talk: Acting on behalf of female trafficking victims; bringing claims against their traffickers and challenging the police' and Home Office failures to adequately investigate and prosecute traffickers

Geetanjali Gangoli's presentation: 'Honour'-based Violence

Professor Jackie Jones' presentation: International Law and Violence Against Women

Hannana Siddiqui 'State Accountability for All: Why Should BME Organisations Do Strategic Litigation? '. A blog based on a speech made by Dr Hannana Siddiqui at the Centre for Women's Justice seminar in Bristol on 20 April 2017.