Updated 15/07/2022
CWJ recognises, and aims to actively address, the issue of intersectionality; this could mean the intersection of different forms of gendered violence (e.g. sexual abuse experienced by domestic violence survivors) or forms of violence against women which are perpetrated and experienced through the prisms of ethnicity, sexuality, disability, religion, gender re-assignment, age or maternity, amongst others.
We commit to:
Reviewing our internal practices, procedures and data regularly to ensure that we are transparent, consistent and impartial at all stages of the employment process.
Reviewing accessibility and representation in our communications, in particular our website and printed materials, and events.
Monitoring and addressing systemic issues affecting women with disabilities through our strategic work, enquiries and our ongoing relationships with ‘by and for’ women’s services.
We will measure our progress against these commitments regularly and update this policy annually
We have an Equality and Diversity policy which applies to clients, potential clients, other lawyers and third parties and in relation to all employees and applicants to positions within CWJ. Our policy is in line with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 which recognises the following protected characteristics:
gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
sexual orientation
CWJ recognises that it is their duty and that of all their employees – whether paid or unpaid - to accept their personal responsibility for fostering a fully integrated, equal & inclusive community at work by adhering to the principles of equal opportunity and maintaining a harmonious working environment.