The International Feminist Legal Network (IFLN) on Violence Against Women and Girls

Upcoming Events

IFLN is delighted to announce that two webinars are scheduled over the upcoming months. 

The first will be held at the end of April on cyber violence, global discussions on technology and women and good/bad laws. 

This discussion with be led by Nighat Dad, a practicing lawyer based in Pakistan. 

The second will be in June, on the topic of torture and violence against women.  

It has taken very many years to include women’s experiences of violence as work against torture and to think of torture as an appropriate term for women’s experiences of violence. In recent years there has been progress on both fronts.  How does thinking about connections between torture (and it’s legal regulation) strengthen our work against violence against women? 

This discussions will be led by Cristina Sevilla, a practicing lawyer based in the Philippines, and the OMCT (World Organisation against Torture).  

Dates and registration for both webinars will follow, watch this space! 


Past Events

  • Litigating Police Perpetrated Violence against Women

    Recorded 13th December 2022

  • The Inaugural International Feminist Legal Network webinar of Psychological Violence

    Recorded 13th October 2022