CWJ applauds courage of Ella Janneh and welcomes the judgment in her civil claim against sex therapist Mike Lousada

CWJ are delighted that the High Court have today (19 June) awarded damages to Ella Janneh, after finding that sex therapist Mike Lousada sexually assaulted her during ‘therapy’ sessions. Ella approached CWJ in 2019 via her Independent Sexual Violence Advocate after the CPS decided not to prosecute him for any offence. As she had already applied for review of the prosecution decision and been refused, we advised Ella that there might be an alternative route to a form of justice by suing the perpetrator. We were able to refer the case on to Catriona Rubens at Leigh Day solicitors who acted on Ella’s behalf at trial.

Anna Mazzola, Solicitor at CWJ, who originally supported Ella’s case, said:

“Ella showed incredible strength in pursuing this legal case against the therapist who was supposed to help her, but instead abused her. The case should have been prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service many years ago. Instead, Ella was left to fight her own, long, legal battle to get accountability for herself, and to prevent Lousada from harming further women. As Ella herself has said, she has had do to the work of the institutions that should have supported her. No survivor of sexual violence and abuse should have to fight as Ella has done to get accountability. We thank Leigh Day for bringing this important challenge, which we know will help others.”

Harriet Wistrich, Director of CWJ, added:

“Given the evidence that has emerged during the trial and the findings of the judge, we call on the CPS to reconsider their original decision not to prosecute. While the civil claim is a great victory for Ella, it is not and should never be seen as a substitute for criminal prosecution, not least because of the huge risk and burden it places upon victim claimants. We also are greatly concerned that this therapist’s ‘work’ was not subject to any regulation. We call on the new government once elected to consider passing legislation to prevent such a thing happening again through ensuring there is proper regulation of any form of therapy.”



  • The judgment case can be read here

  • To read the press release from Leigh Day, please click here